Are you passionate about preserving our planet? Does it rub you the wrong way when others don’t recycle? When offered paper or plastic bags at the grocery store, do you find yourself lecturing the bagboy about the benefits of bringing your own bags? There’s nothing wrong with being Green. In fact, if more people were as passionate as you, our planet would be in a much better state.
Would you like to earn a college degree? Did you know that you can help our planet simply by earning your degree online? It’s true. Pursuing a degree online can help to:
Reduce pollution - According to the EPA*, the average car can cause more than 600 pounds of air pollution. The EPA also found that transportation sources (including highway and off-highway vehicles) now account for 77% of national total carbon monoxide emissions. By learning online, you can avoid sitting in traffic and contributing to those numbers.
Save trees - Did you know that the average American uses 749 pounds of paper every year? That’s 187 billion pounds per year for the entire population, making the United States the world's largest consumer of paper**. Online learning can help cut down on these numbers because you can take notes and complete your assignments online.
Save energy - U.S. colleges spend more than $2 billion annually on energy costs - and more than 30% of that is wasted***. Sure, you have to rely on your own electricity for your online degree program, but the amount you use is considerably less than what is being used on campus.
This article is presented by the Academy – Online. Contact us today if you’re interested in developing marketable knowledge and career-relevant skills with an industry-current degree program from the Academy – Online.
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